Monday, February 15, 2021


Room 8 was learning to understanding the Treaty of Waitangi through Role Play

To understand the history of the Treaty of Waitangi and its importance, we played a Game of Land Trading.

To start this lesson off the class were split into 4 different groups, where they were to create their wonderlands. They spent a lot of time and effort designing their ideal wonderland and colouring it in. They were then forced to trade their resources for guns, tools, land, houses and heaps of other things. During this game of trading room 8 experienced a whole range of different emotions like, anger, sadness, frustration, unfairness and many more. The reason why room 8 were feeling these emotions was because they had to tear apart their their wonderlands to trade.

Room 8 learnt a lot about how the Maori must have felt before the Treaty was signed in 1840. 


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